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Controller contract anatomy

Dive into into the Tableland controller contract's design.

A controller needs to implement the TablelandController abstract contract (or the ITablelandController interface). This enables advanced, custom access control features. Note the default access controls define that only the owner can control everything on the table—this is implemented by default in the TablelandTables registry contract, so if you don't create/set your own controller, those rules are applied.

Controller anatomy

getPolicy method

The TablelandController inherits from the ITablelandController. It implements a single getPolicy method that returns a TablelandPolicy; this is the core of the access control logic.

The getPolicy method signature is the following:

function getPolicy(address caller, uint256 tableId)
returns (TablelandPolicy memory);

Here's how it works:

  • caller: The address that is attempting to access the table.
    • For example, the address calling the registry contract's create or mutate method.
  • tableId: The ID of the table that is being mutated.
  • payable: Used to allow the controller to, optionally, charge a fee for the access control (e.g., require payment to mutate data).

Once you create a controller contract, you then call the setController method on the TablelandTables registry contract—see here for more details. This will set the controller for the specified table ID so that it returns a unique policy for the specific table.

TablelandPolicy struct

The return type for a controller is a TablelandPolicy, which specifies access control rules for the caller on the table ID:

struct TablelandPolicy {
bool allowInsert;
bool allowUpdate;
bool allowDelete;
string whereClause;
string withCheck;
string[] updatableColumns;

It has the following properties:

  • allowInsert: Whether or not the table should allow SQL INSERT statements.
  • allowUpdate: Whether or not the table should allow SQL UPDATE statements.
  • allowDelete: Whether or not the table should allow SQL DELETE statements.
  • whereClause: A conditional WHERE clause used with SQL UPDATE and DELETE statements.
    • For example, a value of "foo > 0" will concatenate all SQL UPDATE and/or DELETE statements with "WHERE foo > 0". This can be useful for limiting how a table can be modified. Also, the Policies library's joinClauses should be used to include more than one condition.
  • withCheck: A conditional CHECK clause used with SQL INSERT statements.
    • For example, a value of "foo > 0" will concatenate all SQL INSERT statements with a check on the incoming data. Namely, "CHECK (foo > 0)". This can be useful for limiting how table data ban be added. Also, the Policies library's joinClauses should be used to include more than one condition.
  • updatableColumns: A list of SQL column names that can be updated.

Example controller

The following example shows how to create a controller—it imports the TablelandController contract and implements the getPolicy method to return a TablelandPolicy that allows operations by any caller with no restrictions:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.8.10 <0.9.0;

import {TablelandController} from "@tableland/evm/contracts/TablelandController.sol";
import {TablelandPolicy} from "@tableland/evm/contracts/TablelandPolicy.sol";

contract Controller is TablelandController {
function getPolicy(
address caller,
) public payable override returns (TablelandPolicy memory) {
// Return allow-all policy if the caller is the owner
allowInsert: true,
allowUpdate: true,
allowDelete: true,
whereClause: "",
withCheck: "",
updatableColumns: new string[](0)

Policies library

To make it easier to work with more complex WHERE and WITH CHECK clauses, the Policies library provides a joinClauses method that can be used to concatenate multiple clauses. For example, the following code will return "WHERE foo > 0 AND bar = 1":

// Import the Policies library
import {Policies} from "@tableland/evm/contracts/policies/Policies.sol";
import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";

// ...
// Set up WHERE clause with two conditions
string[] memory whereClause = new string[](2);
uint256 foo = 0;
uint256 bar = 1;
whereClause[0] = string.concat(
"foo > ",
whereClause[0] = string.concat(
"bar = ",
string[] memory clauses = Policies.joinClauses(whereClause);

In this example, both foo and bar are INTEGER columns in SQL, and in Solidity, they are uint256 types. We first convert them to a string with the OpenZeppelin Strings library before concatenating with the clause condition. Note that if you're ever dealing with TEXT or BLOB SQL types, they must always be wrapped in single quotes—the SQLHelpers library provides a nice quote method for this.

For reference, this is what the library looks like; it simply concatenates the clauses with " and ":

library Policies {
function joinClauses(
string[] memory clauses
) internal pure returns (string memory) {
bytes memory clause;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) {
if (bytes(clauses[i]).length == 0) {
if (bytes(clause).length > 0) {
clause = bytes.concat(clause, bytes(" and "));
clause = bytes.concat(clause, bytes(clauses[i]));
return string(clause);