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Error handling

Review SDK error handling setup and what types of messages will bubble up.

The stmt. and db. methods will throw an Error object whenever an error occurs. Database Errors use cause property for details.

new Error("ERROR", { cause: new Error("Error detail") });

To capture exceptions, you can use a try...catch statement. For example, try using an invalid keyword INSERTZ:

try {
await db.exec("INSERTZ INTO my_table (name, employees) VALUES ()");
} catch (e: any) {
message: e.message,
cause: e.cause.message,

The try...catch statement will attempt to execute the try block's code but catch the error and log the following:

"message": "EXEC_ERROR",
"cause": "Error in line 1: INSERTZ INTO my_table (name, employees) VALUES (): sql error: near \\"INSERTZ\\": syntax error in INSERTZ INTO my_table (name, employees) VALUES () at offset 0"